Household chlorine bleach is a powerful disinfectant that is inexpensive, easy to obtain, and strong enough to kill dangerous germs. Keeping a clean home is important for any family, but is especially important for people with autoimmune conditions or other health problems like cystic fibrosis.
Before you start using bleach everywhere, it’s important to know that bleach is caustic and can emit potentially lethal fumes.1 That’s why it’s important to dilute your bleach and ensure that it’s not used at full-strength and not mix it with other solutions and chemicals.
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) recommends using different amounts of bleach and water depending on what is being cleaned. Be sure to follow these steps exactly to make a safe and effective bleach solution that meets your needs.

List of Ingredients
Making a bleach solution to disinfect your home can be easy. You’ll just need a few supplies to get started:
- A quart-sized plastic spray bottle or a glass jar with lid
- A measuring cup
- Damp cloth
- Household rubber gloves
- Household bleach (found at any supermarket)
- Water
How to Make a Bleach Solution
The first rule when making a bleach solution is to either go outside or find a well-ventilated room, ideally with open windows and a cross-draft. Full-strength bleach emits toxic fumes and should never be used in small or enclosed spaces.
- To clean hard surfaces such as plates and counter tops, mix 1 cup (240 milliliters) of bleach with 5 gallons (18.9 liters) of water. 2
- To make a 1:10 solution to disinfect healthcare facilities that may have been tainted by contagions, you’ll need 1 part bleach for every 9 parts water. 3
- Carefully pour the bleach into the spray bottle or jar first, then add the water. Mixing the solution in this order will prevent the bleach from splashing up on you. If you do get any bleach on your skin, wipe it off immediately with a damp cloth.
Chlorine bleach solution begins to lose its disinfectant power quickly when exposed to heat, sunlight, and evaporation. To ensure the strength of your solution, mix a fresh batch each day and discard whatever is leftover. Keep out of the reach of children.
Alternatively, one can buy a mild cleaning solutions containing small amount of bleach in the store. That way, you can avoid any spillage or possible injury.