SR-101L, Beardsley Road/Union Hills Drive: This project involves constructing a new frontage road on the west side of SR-101L, a Texas U-turn bridge across SR-101L north of the Union Hills Drive traffic interchange, on- and off-ramps, and widening of the Union Hills Drive traffic interchange. Location:
Glendale, AZ | Owner: Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | Designer: Jacobs Engineering
SR-303L & El Mirage Road Traffic Interchange: This two-mile project involves construction of a new diamond traffic interchange as well as excavation, embankment construction, grading, furnishing and placing aggregate base, asphaltic concrete base, Portland Cement Concrete Pavement and asphaltic rubber-asphaltic concrete friction course. Location: Phoenix, AZ | Owner: Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | Designer: Kimley-Horn & Associates
US-60 & SR-303 Interim Traffic Interchange: This project includes 17,200 CY of roadway excavation, constructing embankment, grading, furnishing and placing 27,300 SF of Portland cement concrete pavement (PCCP), 2,100 tons of asphaltic concrete, 109 tons of asphaltic rubber friction course, and 13,400 SF of retaining walls. Location: Apache Junction, AZ | Owner: Arizona Department of Transportation (ADOT) | Designer: Stanley Consultants
Drinkwater Bridge & Civic Space Plaza Improvements: The Drinkwater Bridge, constructed in the mid 1980’s, had several areas of structure that were failing because of water intrusion through the deck, due to leaking within the fountain structure, irrigation of landscaping and an insufficient drainage system, and a waterproofing membrane that had exceeded its service life. Repair work for this bridge repair project includes bridge shoring, new abutment walls, new box beam girders, topping slab repairs, column repairs, a new water proofing membrane, and hardscape elements. Location: Scottsdale, AZ | Owner: City of Scottsdale | Designer: Gavan & Barker
Old US80 Gila River Bridge (Gillespie Dam Bridge): This project includes rehabilitating the Historic Old US80 Gila River Bridge (Gillespie Dam Bridge), including bridge deck repairs, truss bearing replacement, heat-straightening bent steel member, abutment bank protection, pier scour stabilization, self-weathering guard rail, Interpretive Center with historic markers, protective entrance beams, asphalt paving, and miscellaneous items. Location: Old US 80 between Arlington, AZ – Gila Bend, AZ | Owner: Maricopa County Department of Transportation (MCDOT) | Designer: Tran Systems
US-80 & Forney Parkway Bridge: This project includes construction of the Forney Parkway Bridge over US-80 and UPRR. A pass-through project for the Hunt family, this project is the gateway for an upcoming master planned community. This project includes drilled shafts, drilled aggregate pier columns, pier caps, MSE retaining walls, storm drain pipe, concrete box culvert, concrete paving, and deck paving. Location: Forney, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
IH-40 Improvements, Amarillo: This rehabilitation of IH-40 through Amarillo includes bridge repair, demo and replacement over surface streets and the BNSF, ramp construction, and retaining walls. Roadway replacement includes both RCP and AC paving. Location: Potter County, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
IH-30 Frontage Roads & Park & Ride: This project includes improvements to and along Interstate 30 (Tom Landry Highway). Features include eastbound and westbound frontage roads, access ramps at Belt Line Road and MacArthur Boulevard, and a full-scale park and ride facility. The scope of work includes the installation of potable water, storm drain systems, paving, electrical, signage and pavement markings, a new pedestrian shelter canopy, and construction of a new U-turn under the MacArthur overpass bridge. Location: Grand Prairie, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
State Spur 327 & US 62/82: This project involves 12,000 LF of four-lane interstate and bridge structures. The first phase includes the extension of the US-327 Spur: 4,000 LF of four-lane interstate and a 300-foot long, 68-foot wide pre-cast concrete girder structure. The second phase includes 7,000 LF of interstate highway and frontage road with two separate bridge structures 300 feet long and 40 feet wide. Location: Lubbock, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
SL-289 Widening & Bridge Reconstruction: This project consists of widening 1.5 miles of SL-289 from two lanes in each direction to three lanes in each direction. The widening also includes the demolition and reconstruction of both northbound and southbound bridges on SL-289 over North Quaker Avenue, expanded from approximately 300 LF to 1,000 LF and widened from two lanes in each direction to three lanes in each direction. This project also includes the widening of the surface streets and frontage roads. Location: Lubbock, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
IH-27 Bridge Reconstruction & Traffic Interchange Improvements: This project includes demolition of the existing eastbound and westbound two-lane FM-3466 bridge over IH-27, construction of new northbound and southbound bridges on IH-27, conversion of northbound and southbound frontage roads to one-way traffic only, and the addition of turn-a-rounds at FM-3466, US-70, and US-194 intersections. Location: Plainview, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)
State Spur 1966 & US-85: This project includes a 0.7-mile bridge over I-10 over eight different rail lines, pedestrian tunnel access ways, 30,000 SF of MSE walls, 5,000 SF of rock retaining walls, a raised roundabout, 2,000 LF of 35-foot deep new sewer line, jack and bore, asphalt paving, and extensive coordination with UTEP, BNSFRR, UPRR, TxDOT, and the City of El Paso. Location: El Paso, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) | Designer: Jacobs Engineering
I-10 & LP-375 (Americas) Interchange Phase 3: This phase connects LP-375 with I-10 in all directions and includes two direct connectors built with both steel and concrete girders, demolition and reconstruction of three box beam bridges, rebuilding both the west- and eastbound I-10 frontage roads, 80,000 CY of embankment, 10,000 SF of MSE walls, storm drain, and relocation of TxDOT’s ITS system. Location: El Paso, TX | Owner: Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) | Designer: Jacobs Engineering