This project is a new connection between Schuster Avenue on the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) campus and Paisano Drive via a bridge over I-10. The project length is approximately 0.7 miles. The route provides better access between UTEP and nearby medical facilities, provides an additional route along US 85 between the campus and downtown El Paso, and allows improved access to businesses along State Highway 20 (SH 20, Mesa Street). The route is also designed to alleviate heavy traffic encroachment into nearby residential neighborhoods and foster a more pedestrian-friendly environment for the UTEP campus. This project includes a 0.7-mile bridge over I-10 over eight different rail lines, pedestrian tunnel access ways, 30,000 SF of MSE walls, 5,000 SF of rock retaining walls, a raised roundabout, 2,000 LF of 35-foot deep new sewer line, jack and bore, asphalt paving, and extensive coordination with UTEP, BNSFRR, UPRR, TxDOT, and the City of El Paso.
LocationEl Paso, TXOwnerTexas Department of Transportation (TxDOT)MarketHeavy Civil